martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

A vueltas con el Moodle

Dice Lao Zi "Vivir muchos años, estudiar toda la vida". Como comparto totalmente esa visión, inicio mi formación en algo un poco más complicado de lo normal. La gestión de la plataforma 'Moodle'. Algo que me permitirá organizar las clases de Lengua castellana de una forma distinta (y espero que más atrayente).

2 comentarios:

Monica Fernandez dijo...

Hello Roser,
As our students are too busy studying ;-) and cannot share the adventure of learning with us, I will do it.
I have seen your moodle presentation and I am utterly interested in learning more about it. I'll visit the web and maybe one day you can explain me what you have done and learnt with it!
See you tomorrow!
A "for life" student,

Roser Palacios dijo...

Of course, Monica! I can't show you what I did but, please, don't be so strict with me! I'm just a Moddle's beginner student!